IPA: ɪnɪkspɫˈɪkʌbɫi
- In an inexplicable manner; for an unknown reason.
Examples of "inexplicably" in Sentences
- Problem #1 - While most other versions of Dreamweaver are available as downloads, this one, inexplicably, is not.
- The real draw appears to be the preview of an upcoming auction, “Important English Furniture” (whose title inexplicably cracks us up).
- We want to see Noob Saibot, for no other reason than we find his name inexplicably amusing, and we expect some babalities and animalities in there.
- No frantic clients are beating down the door, no students are begging to register, it's just me and Corky (the name inexplicably given to my laptop computer my Meredith).
- For most of the picture, Wesley Gibson inexplicably is obsessed with avenging the murder of his father, despite the fact that daddy abandoned him when he was seven-days old.
- I was converted by the duo's take on The Shortwave Set's "Now Til '69," made a true believer by their mix of Friendly Fire's "Paris" and a disciple at the lush, deep rework of Grace Jones '"William's Blood," which Jones' label inexplicably turned down for release.
- Colonel Gaddafi ignored the popular view that he should consider his position, and hired African mercenaries or "troops loyal to..." in that much-employed phrase that cries out for the word "inexplicably" to be inserted between "troops" and "loyal" to shoot protesters.
- There appears to be a visceral force which galvanizes this rash gambler: upon seeing a car far off into the curve-blighted highway, the machismo gene must kick in and a huge invisible weight inexplicably is poured into his right foot, powering the car ahead at great speed.
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