IPA: ɪnfˈæntʌsaɪd
- The murder of an infant.
- The murder of a child by a parent; filicide.
- (law, Canada) The criminal offence of killing of a newborn, committed by its mother while psychologically disturbed by the effects of childbirth or lactation, not regarded as murder.
- The murderer of a child: a person who has committed infanticide.
- (zoology) The killing of a young, immature animal by a mature adult of the same species.
Examples of "infanticide" in Sentences
- ProWomanProLife » Mother wrongly convicted of infanticide is acquitted
- Italian police are investigating the case for “homicide” because infanticide is illegal in Italy.
- Mother wrongly convicted of infanticide is acquitted My goodness, what a horrible mistake to make.
- Female infanticide is the practice of abandoning or killing female children in areas where male children are valued more.
- If infanticide is code for abortion, the moderate position is that it should be legal in many circumstances, but with more restrictions than there are now.
- Considering the simple and quite verifiable fact that the Christian bible recognizes the 'Old Testament 'as being divinely inspired (indeed, many Christians believe the bible to be the inerrant word of god), we may pose the simple question to Christians (and Jews, as it turns out) as to whether infanticide is ethically or morally acceptable.