IPA: ɪnfˈɛkʃʌs
- (pathology, of an illness) Caused by an agent that enters the host's body (such as a bacterium, virus, parasite, or prion); often, also, transmitted among hosts via any of various routes (for example, contact, droplet-borne, airborne, waterborne, foodborne, fomite-borne, or bloodborne).
- (pathology, of a person) Able to infect others.
- (of feelings and behaviour) Spreading quickly from one person to another.
- (informal) Memorable and invoking excitement or interest.
Examples of "infectious" in Sentences
- I'll be fully engulfed in infectious disease before mid morning!
- BLITZER: It brings new meaning to the term infectious enthusiasm.
- And its not being infectious is assuredly an important consideration.
- Without a doubt, anyone who saw the movie Contagion would label infectious diseases a pressing public health crisis.
- Technically speaking, when you hear a veterinarian speaking of the condition, you will hear the term infectious tracheobronchitis.
- This general result I shall only support by the authority of Dr. Ramsbotham, who gives, as the result of his experience, that the same symptoms belong to what he calls the infectious and the sporadic forms of the disease, and the opinion of
- This general result I shall only support by the authority of Dr. Ramsbotham, who gives, as the result of his experience, that the same symptoms belong to what he calls the infectious and the sporadic forms of the disease, and the opinion of Armstrong in his original Essay.
- Dr. Cahill, senior attending physician in infectious diseases and emergency medicine at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, serves as the orchestra's in-house physician, treating everything from violinists 'stiff necks to an epidemic of food poisoning that occurred while the orchestra was on tour several years ago.
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