IPA: ˈɪnfɝʌns
- (uncountable) The act or process of inferring by deduction or induction.
- (countable) That which is inferred; a truth or proposition drawn from another which is admitted or supposed to be true; a conclusion; a deduction.
Examples of "inference" in Sentences
- My inference is looking pretty solid at this point.
- A clear inference is that most of the employees are not classroom teachers.
- In that sense of the term inference in which it is confined to the consequent, it may be said that --
- Whilst the premise of this inference is a negative evaluative statement, the conclusion is a proscriptive statement.
- He concludes this discourse of the vanity of the creature with this plain inference from the whole, That it is folly to think of making up
- The inference is that parents who spank are slobbering, snapping beasts living on the edge of insanity, ready at the slightest provocation to beat their kids.
- But beyond the borders of this experience, to a single step of inference, or what they call inference, both the religions of science and of culture obstinately refuse to go.
- June 08, 2009 at 1: 22 AM i'm absolutely loving Sockso right now, the web inference is tremendous and it zips my albums for remote download, but I'll try this out as well on my backup pc.
- Strictly speaking, the term inference, as applied to a product of thought, includes both the antecedent and consequent: but it is often used for the consequent to the exclusion of the antecedent.
- When Mom takes up a technology, be it Twitter (check the story, not the headline), social networking, texting or even (sorry Om) wireless network cards, the inference is that the technology has moved not just out of the early adopter crowd, but into the realm of everyone.