
IPA: ɪnfɝˈɛnʃʌɫ


  • Of, pertaining to, or derived using inference.

Examples of "inferential" in Sentences

  • -- The Sûtras proceed to dispose of the so-called inferential marks.
  • This group of techniques is commonly known as inferential statistics.
  • That is simple race-baiting by inference, what Stuart hall, the great intellectual, calls inferential racism.
  • And I would always be very wary of acting on the kind of inferential intelligence that the United States tends to collect.
  • Causes of the latter sort may be called inferential or hypothetical causes to distinguish them from those which are perceived.
  • Surveying a subset and generalizing the population from which it's drawn is what we call inferential statistics; it's a cornerstone of modern science and social research.
  • It would only explain the existence of those penumbral connections if it was part of the meaning of names and demonstratives that they fill some kind of inferential role.
  • These I may call inferential marks by the wayside, and with what is to follow are surely corroborative evidence strong enough to enable me to assume that I am on the right trail, and that "_Cheekanoo_" and John
  • When this The fi rst three reasons in the list include the possi - probability is calculated under the alternative bility of terminating the trial based on an interim hypothesis, this (conditional) probability is called inferential analysis.
  • Now here's the key "inferential" point: the macaque brain is only about one-fourth as large as ours, and our neocortex is much larger than the macaque's neocortex, but neuroanato-mists typically agree that the structures in the neocortex of macaques and humans correspond relatively well despite these differences.

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