IPA: ɪnfˈɝnoʊ
- A place or situation resembling Hell.
- A large fire; a conflagration.
Examples of "inferno" in Sentences
- MARQUEZ: One Forest Service official calls the inferno a tornado made flames with a will of its own.
- All that was needed to turn the deck into an inferno was a spark, and Zavala was glad to provide one.
- No one told the workers on the 9th floor, who were trapped behind locked doors in what can only be described as an inferno.
- You could see one of the worst qualities of life on the planet, but in this inferno was an enterprising population that worked like ants.
- Mingled with the desire that raged within him like an inferno was a cold, bitter anger stemming from the knowledge that he would be neither the first nor the last man to possess her.
- They say the inferno was a mass suicide orchestrated by Koresh, who had predicted an attack and told followers to be ready to die for him in a fire that would take them all to heaven.