IPA: ˈɪnfʌnʌtɫi
- In an infinite manner; as of anything growing without bounds; endlessly.
- To a surpassingly large extent.
Examples of "infinitely" in Sentences
- The noun in the phrase infinitely better than “Let’s prioritize” had the added advantage of being plural.
- Coordinates can be chosen in infinitely many ways; likewise, there are an infinitude of reference frames.
- Sure, but my point stands: not everything that's logically possible needs to happen in infinitely many universes.
- Continuing infinitely is not an intrinsic property of irrational and transcendental numbers but is a property relative to the base used to express a number.
- Nor is it necessary to suppose another power limiting its efficacy, if we do not find it necessary to suppose its own constitution and essence such as we term infinitely powerful.
- Let us try and appreciate the fact that, under our present conditions, our conceptions of the immense and minute -- namely, extension in Space, and that of quick and slow or duration in Time -- are purely relative, and that from this arise those pseudo-conceptions which we call the infinitely extended and the infinitely lasting.
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