
IPA: ɪnfˈɪnʌti


  • (uncountable) endlessness, unlimitedness, absence of a beginning, end or limits to size.
  • (countable, mathematics) A number that has an infinite numerical value that cannot be counted.
  • (countable, topology, mathematical analysis) An idealised point which is said to be approached by sequences of values whose magnitudes increase without bound.
  • (uncountable) A number which is very large compared to some characteristic number. For example, in optics, an object which is much further away than the focal length of a lens is said to be "at infinity", as the distance of the image from the lens varies very little as the distance increases further.
  • (countable, uncountable) The symbol ∞.

Examples of "infinity" in Sentences

  • Its limit as time approaches infinity is sclerotic Brezhnevism.
  • Now, with Bernie Madoff, what happened was what you call infinity scam.
  • In mathematics there is what we called infinity and "Design = Infinity".
  • Like the concepts of quantity, limit, boundary, the term infinity applies primarily to space and time, but not exclusively, as
  • The idea of summing all costs from here to infinity is preposterous, because we simply cannot know what the future will bring.
  • So what I’m wondering is, does this mean that from the point of view of Schwarzschild coordinates, the object is behaving like a white hole from Schwarzschild time - infinity to 0, and then behaving like a black hole from Schwarzschild time 0 to +infinity?
  • All the different stories and opinions gathered together here glance off of one another like a hall of mirrors, but the figure reflected into infinity is that of the woman who continues to define herself more through her relationships than through her work.
  • While Dad hid in the back of the house all night, I laid awake on the living room couch next to the hospital bed, like summers when I was a kid and used to float on my back in the pool, trying to make sense of stars, and the uneasy feeling I got from the word infinity.

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