
IPA: ɪnfɫˈeɪmd


  • Resulting from or affected by inflammation.
  • Appearing to be in flames; as if made of fire.

Examples of "inflamed" in Sentences

  • The even tones of her voice and the repetition of his name inflamed him.
  • The word inflamed him; and he hurried to his room to prepare for departure.
  • "Redegonde must know," I said to myself, "that I could see everything in the glass;" and the idea inflamed me.
  • Just as four hundred years before, Jack Straw was an imaginary champion whose name inflamed the people to rise, so now Jack
  • So, unsurprisingly, Jason Calacanis has once again inflamed some bloggers by stating that there’s no such thing as “A-list” bloggers:
  • The hail of arrows that fell on the enemy wounded more horses than men-a fact Tarma was sorry about-but the fire, the hail of arrows, and the catcalls inflamed their enemy's tempers in a way that nothing else could have done.
  • With these words, which fell from the lips of another Hagar in the wilderness, burning the souls of the hearers as the live coal of the word inflamed Isaiah, this mysterious being paused as though to gather some remaining strength.
  • For a while they remembered their faults and losses; but no sooner were they revived by the hospitable entertainment, than their venom was again inflamed; they stung their benefactor, and neither gardens, nor palaces, nor churches, were safe from their depredations.
  • Yet his mind still fluctuated between the counsels of clemency and of revenge; the zeal of the bishops had almost extorted from the reluctant emperor the promise of a general pardon; his passion was again inflamed by the flattering suggestions of his minister Rufinus; and, after Theodosius had despatched the messengers of death, he attempted, when it was too late, to prevent the execution of his orders.

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