IPA: ɪnfɫˈæmʌtɔri
- Any material that causes inflammation
- Tending to inflame or provoke somebody.
- Relating to, causing, or caused by inflammation.
Examples of "inflammatory" in Sentences
- Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned Tuesday what he called the inflammatory rhetoric of
- She expressed dismay at what she called "inflammatory language" being used by critics of the current policy.
- It cites a series of what he calls inflammatory statements that show "that judgments have been reached and the tenor of the hearing will be prosecutorial."
- Blagojevich had argued for the removal because of what he called inflammatory comments made by Fitzgerald and the head of the Chicago FBI office when Blagojevich was arrested in December.
- Scheller also complained in court filings about defense lawyers' "aggressive" tactics, including a 7 1/2-hour deposition of Keith in which she was given few breaks, and subsequent e-mails to her "alluding to possible retaliation ... for what they characterized as inflammatory and/or slanderous statements."