IPA: ɪnfrʌstrˈʌktʃɝ
- (systems theory) An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
- The basic facilities, services and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society.
Examples of "infrastructure" in Sentences
- Six billion dollars in infrastructure is not development.
- This lack of interest in infrastructure is a national phenomenon.
- But this type of investment in our infrastructure is an investment for our future.
- However, there is still a lack of clarity on what will be included in the term infrastructure asset.
- Even the word "infrastructure" lost its respectability when government had a hand in maintaining roads, bridges, and trains.
- Mexican federal aviation officials have indicated a substantial investment in infrastructure is needed for the airline to comply and be viable.
- We give them billions in foreign aid, but we have to close schools all over America because we can't pay the teachers; our infrastructure is a shambles, but we still send our aid payments to Israel.