IPA: ɪnfrˈikwʌntɫi
- Not frequently.
Examples of "infrequently" in Sentences
- KK-drive ships called infrequently, and only on official business.
- We knew he would be difficult to reach, and that he would be checking in infrequently.
- The usually thing that would keep everyone glued we consider infrequently is music, he explained.
- This $47 million fund is small and nimble, although management rarely tries any fancy footwork: It trades infrequently, which is a virtue.
- To begin with, she reviewed in mind her old acquaintances: there were a half-dozen professors, instructors, assistants who called infrequently on her father and whom she had come to know with a degree of familiarity.
- I do think that privilege almost always ties into - isms, since very infrequently is one either totally privileged or totally disenfranchised — we all have overlapping identities that may be at once in the majority and in the minority.
- From stage and pulpit, from press and platform, they hastened to promulgate it, until every silly girl or woman who gets herself into a scrape uses it as a defense measure; and not infrequently is it employed as a weapon of blackmail and revenge.
- In moments of more or less complete or partial mental inertia, as not infrequently occurs when the blood is flooding the digestive apparatus soon after eating, certain visual impressions will be caught by the more alert half -- the left -- before the right half gets the registration.
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