IPA: ɪnfjˈuʒʌn
- A product consisting of a liquid which has had other ingredients steeped in it to extract useful qualities.
- The act of steeping or soaking a substance in liquid so as to extract medicinal or herbal qualities.
- The act of installing a quality into a person.
- (obsolete) The act of dipping into a fluid.
- (medicine) The administration of liquid substances directly into a vein for medical purposes; perfusion.
Examples of "infusion" in Sentences
- "This capital infusion is needed to carry out the changes," Swedish Industry Minister Maud Olofsson said.
- Frank Addario, President of the CLA, argues that the cash infusion is merely a stop-gap measure which does not address the underlying concerns of the criminal defence bar.
- The purity of New York City's priceless and irreplaceable drinking water supply should never be placed at risk for a short-term infusion of natural gas revenues or for any other reason.
- Governor McDonnell has stated he understands that his initiative is a short-term infusion of funds into a system that over the long-term requires new dedicated and sustainable revenues.
- The IMF could probably provide $5 billion of that additional money - enough for any short term infusion in the case of a market panic, including by using some of its profits on recent gold sales.
- Open pot methods are infusions wherein all of the grounds are mixed with all of the water, after which the infusion is filtered to remove some but not all of the flavorful oils and fine particles.
- American Crossroads gets a whopping $7 million cash infusion from the Texas millionaire who helped fund the Swift Boat Vets, singlehandedly chipping in nearly half the group's fundraising over the last 43 days.
- At this point it isn't known whether the treatment would involve short- or long-term infusion, or what specific areas of the brain might be targeted, said Steve Oesterle , senior vice president of medicine and technology at Medtronic.
- The Belvidere cash infusion is tied to an agreement between Mr. Marchionne and the U.S. government that allows Fiat to increase its current 20% stake in Chrysler once Chrysler begins building a 40-mpg car in the U.S., produces a more fuel-efficient engine in the U.S. and expands its international sales.