
IPA: ˈɪŋgwɪnʌɫ


  • Of or pertaining to the groin.

Examples of "inguinal" in Sentences

  • Repair of indirect inguinal hernias by laparoscopic joining of the edges.
  • This part of the abdomen is the same region where an inguinal hernia occurs, called the inguinal canal.
  • The inguinal type accounts for 80 percent of all hernias, and most occur in men due to a natural weakness in this area.
  • Occult -- or hidden -- inguinal or femoral hernias can cause tough-to-diagnose pelvic pain in women but also are associated with groin pain in men and athletes.
  • Abnormal external genitals: These features are often seen in boys, and may include undescended testicles, inguinal hernias or hypospadias (a birth defect characterized by abnormal placement of the urinary opening).
  • From the front of the mesonephros a fold of peritoneum termed the inguinal fold grows forward to meet and fuse with a peritoneal fold, the inguinal crest, which grows backward from the antero-lateral abdominal wall.
  • Vaginal examination may reveal telltale tension and tenderness in the pelvic muscles, and reproducing a patient's pain by applying pressure on the internal inguinal area is one method that has been considered effective.
  • That portion of the aponeurosis which extends between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle is a thick band, folded inward, and continuous below with the fascia lata; it is called the inguinal ligament.
  • For men, inguinal hernias not only have been a historic bane -- the afflicted have included Galileo, Michelangelo, Lord Nelson, Sir Winston Churchill and even Sir Astley Cooper, a pioneer in corrective surgical procedures -- they also long led to an industry of gear and protective, or supposedly rehabilitative, wear and devices.
  • From this origin the fibers diverge; those from the inguinal ligament, few in number and paler in color than the rest, arch downward and medialward across the spermatic cord in the male and the round ligament of the uterus in the female, and, becoming tendinous, are inserted, conjointly with those of the Transversus, into the crest of the pubis and medial part of the pectineal line behind the lacunar ligament, forming what is known as the inguinal aponeurotic falx.

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