IPA: ɪnhˈæbʌtʌnt
- Someone or thing who lives in a place.
- (type theory) A possible value for a type.
- resident
Examples of "inhabitant" in Sentences
- After the inhabitant was asleep, the pod would fill with viscous stasis fluid, which would be refreshed every hour.
- The fact that the older inhabitant is always stated to have been dark is a proof that the new-comer must have been fair.
- A government not worth thirty cents (fifteen pence) per year for each inhabitant, which is the cost in China, is not worth having.
- Carbon footprint per inhabitant is lower in Manhattan than anywhere else in the country - a full 30% smaller than the national average.
- 5 I will break also the bar of Damascus, and cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, and him that holdeth the sceptre from the house of Eden: and the people of Syria shall go into captivity unto Kir, saith the Lord.
- My New Shorter Oxford does define Latino as “A Latin American inhabitant of the United States,” which would indeed exclude Cardozo — but would equally exclude all Americans of merely Spanish, as opposed to Latin American, extraction.
- Again, in five departments of France in which there is less than one hecatare to each inhabitant, that is to say, in which the population is more than 250 to the square mile, the number of births to 100 marriages is 414 and a fraction.
- That the people shall be destroyed with the sword: I will cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, the valley of idolatry, for the gods of the Syrians were gods of the valleys (1 Kings xx. 23), were worshipped in valleys; as the idols of Israel were worshipped on the hills; him also that holdeth the sceptre of power, some petty king or other that used to boast of the sceptre he held from Beth-Eden, the house of pleasure.