IPA: ɪnhˈɑspʌtʌbʌɫ
- (of a person) Not inclined to hospitality; unfriendly. [from Template:SAFESUBST: c.]
- (of a place) Not offering shelter; barren or forbidding. [from Template:SAFESUBST: c.]
Examples of "inhospitable" in Sentences
- The Digital Home Video: Is the Wii 'inhospitable' for third-parties?
- Disks encircling hypergiant stars may spawn planets in inhospitable environment
- The soil, though at first it might have been, called inhospitable, showed itself productive.
- If he wins, they say, it will be because he has run tough races before in inhospitable territory.
- The dishonour of being inhospitable is of far less import than the dishonour of being "detestable" in the eyes of God.
- A number of countries delayed the arrival of their competitors with the athletes' village being described as "inhospitable" just last week.
- This satisfies the typical hacker need for compact and independent programs that have to work in "inhospitable" environments; rootkits and backdoors seem to be interesting applications.
- Evidence of methane-producing organisms can be found in inhospitable soil environments much like those found on the surface of Mars, according to experiments undertaken by scientists and students from USC.
- Clearly, among the many implications of the awarding of yet another Pentagon contract to the Lincoln Group, this fall, is that they are being funded, as their Web site advertises, to continue their work around the world in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and any other locations that some might consider "inhospitable," but that they prefer to call "challenging."
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