IPA: ɪnɪʃˈieɪtɝ
- One who initiates.
- (chemistry) A substance that initiates a chain reaction or polymerization.
- (military) A component of a nuclear weapon that produces a burst of neutrons to trigger a fission chain reaction.
- (computing) A task (in a mainframe computer) that initiates multiple jobs.
- (medicine) A material whose presence in the body eventually leads to cancer.
Examples of "initiator" in Sentences
- This alteration is often described as the initiator of carcinogenesis.
- An iSCSI "client" is an initiator, which is a direct translation of the
- An iSCSI "client" is an initiator, which is a direct translation of the SCSI protocol.
- Ten years later, Costco merged with The Price Company, known as the initiator of the warehouse club concept.
- CORRESPONDENT: What the document, Stan, says is that over a four-year period the Iranians have been developing a neutron initiator, which is a component, and essential component for a detonator for a nuclear weapon.