IPA: ɪndʒˈʊriʌs
- Causing physical harm or injury; harmful, hurtful.
- Causing harm to one's reputation; invidious, defamatory, libelous, slanderous.
Examples of "injurious" in Sentences
- No doctor will ever truthfully tell you he's treated anyone for any long-term injurious effects of marijuana.
- If you say another word injurious to my brother's memory, I'll leave this house and let you starve for all I'll do for you.
- They cannot, therefore, be classed among the especially beneficial birds, neither can they be termed injurious on account of what they eat.
- Caleb was betrayed into no word injurious to Bulstrode beyond the fact which he was forced to admit, that he had given up acting for him within the last week.
- My distrust of Sabine is as you know chronic, and I went determined to keep careful watch on his address, lest some crafty phrase injurious to Darwin should be introduced.
- [830] Dr. Johnson, describing her needle-work in one of his letters to Mrs. Thrale, vol.i. p. 326, uses the learned word sutile; which Mrs. Thrale has mistaken, and made the phrase injurious by writing 'futile pictures.'
- II. iii.40 (50,4) [Oh, injurious love] Her execution was respited on account of her pregnancy, the effects of her love: therefore she calls it _injurious_; not that it brought her to shame, but that it hindered her freeing herself from it.
- The defendant argued that the jury was improperly instructed on the standard of fault required for commercial disparagement aka injurious falsehood or trade libel, since that tort requires actual malice and the jury was instructed that negligence was sufficient.
- The result was that the sugar content of the blood of the patient fell to the normal, the passing of sugar into the urine was reduced to a minimum, and the general state of poisoning, acidosis, which is caused by certain injurious substances which are formed in this kind of diabetes mainly through disturbance in the fat metabolism, often in great quantities, was checked.
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