
IPA: ˈɪŋk


  • A pigment (or dye)-based fluid used for writing, printing etc.
  • (countable) A particular type, color or container of this fluid.
  • The black or dark-colored fluid ejected by squid, octopus etc, as a protective strategy.
  • (slang, uncountable) Publicity.
  • (slang, uncountable) Tattoo work.
  • (slang) Cheap red wine.


  • (transitive) To apply ink to; to cover or smear with ink.
  • (transitive) To sign (a contract or similar document).
  • (transitive) To apply a tattoo to (someone).
  • (intransitive, of a squid or octopus) to eject ink (sense 3)

Examples of "ink" in Sentences

  • Ink jet printers are so cheap because the ink is SO EXPENSIVE.
  • And I'm told that what they call ink comes off on your fingers like lamp-black.
  • Well, doing crossword puzzles in ink is enough evidence of your wordsmith wizardry!
  • I, for one, am tire of hearing about the next elections before the ink is dry on the last one.
  • The ink is being put on fans who are getting a tattoo for the first time to show their loyalty to the movies.
  • If you found a great doll (or perhaps plastic toy) that has gone a few rounds with a kid and a pen, this tip to use acne cream and sun to remove the ink is a godsend.
  • They must have done a study and ended up using some whacked out middle schoolers who wanted to trick them and said “Oh yeah pink ink is cool, especially *flirty pink ink*”.
  • For families looking for a nongeographic name for these birthmarks, I have suggested using the term "ink blots," but Mongolian spots are a commonly used term in the health care field.
  • Consider the tremendous amount of ink spilled by bloggers on this and other sites (well, actually "ink" is not quite the right word) on the issue of torture and detainee mistreatment.

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