
IPA: ɪnˈeɪt


  • (obsolete) To cause to exist; to call into being.


  • Inborn; existing or having existed since birth.
  • (philosophy) Originating in, or derived from, the constitution of the intellect, as opposed to acquired from experience.
  • Instinctive; coming from instinct.
  • (botany) Joined by the base to the very tip of a filament.

Examples of "innate" in Sentences

  • No, innate is the natural and predilection of behavior for a species which includes primate species such as “man”.
  • There is a certain innate nobility deep down in the hearts of all men, which forces them to admire a brave act, even if it is performed by an enemy.
  • In addition, I would question whether someone can speak “unofficially” about differences between the sexes that he is calling innate while presiding over a world-class research institution.
  • They wished to be "loyal," but they would not surrender what they termed innate rights; they would not be taxed without representation, nor be debarred from manufacturing; nor consent to make
  • From this he inferred the existence of two distinct natures in man, the mental and the physical, and the existence of certain ideas which he called innate in the mind, and serving to connect it with the spiritual and invisible.
  • That is to say, certain innate personality traits predispose one to teaching/acting, but there are also techniques that can be learned and which can make an average actor/teacher a better one, and a good actor/teacher quite brilliant!
  • Under this view, the race and IQ question comes down to the question of whether African IQ deficits are like dark African skin, so pervasive across all imaginable environments that calling them innate is perfectly reasonable as a first approximation, or more like African-American success in popular music, for which we require no scientific evidence to attribute to the particular combination of history, culture and sociology of the present time.

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