IPA: ˈɪnʌveɪtɝ
- Someone who innovates; a creator of new ideas.
- (marketing) An early adopter.
Examples of "innovator" in Sentences
- Perception separates the innovator from the imitator.
- The innovator is a curious being, according to Wozniak.
- Throughout his 20-year career, Ted has been known as an innovator.
- He's an innovator, is Brooks, even after 65 years of producing and directing.
- Wordpress is a long term innovator bringing new communications tools to 30 million people so far.
- Nokia, once known as an innovator in mobile phones, has suffered as consumers have shifted from mass-market phones to smartphones, which come with advanced Web-surfing capabilities and customizable software.
- Because the innovator is the first to adopt, risks must be taken that can be avoided by later adopters who do not wish to cope with the high degree of uncertainty concerning the innovation when it is first introduced into a system.