IPA: ɪnˈɑkjʌɫʌm
- The active material used in an inoculation; an inoculant (i.e., a material or a dose thereof).
Examples of "inoculum" in Sentences
- Tighten the jar covers and shake well to disperse the inoculum throughout the broth.
- After a successful crop, soil will always retain some inoculum until the next season.
- Replanting the same species in the same soil year round will serve to increase inoculum for that crop.
- The seed of nitrogen fixing trees should be treated with Rhizobium inoculum after scarification and prior to sowing.
- Newly introduced trees require inoculation; inoculum may be gotten from the soil of black locust stands, or from NFTA.
- Viability of inoculum is even more difficult to monitor and maintain which is why we leave this enterprise to those set up to do the job well.
- The researchers took an inoculum from the hypersaline, alkaline Mono lake and grew it in serial dilutions so that the medium contained progressively increasing amounts of arsenic (As) substituting for phosphorus (P).
- Plants currently restricted to south-facing slopes and warm springs (to some extent analogues of future warmer habitats and hot spots of biodiversity) north of their main distribution areas are likely to provide an "inoculum" for rapid colonization of surrounding habitats when climate becomes warmer, although they themselves are likely to be displaced from their current niches by less diverse shrub – thicket communities.