IPA: ɪnɔrgˈænɪk
- (chemistry) An inorganic compound
- (chemistry) relating to a compound that does not contain carbon
- that does not originate in a living organism
Examples of "inorganic" in Sentences
- Another early prize for work in inorganic chemistry was that to Fritz
- He published over 200 papers, particularly in inorganic biochemistry and bioenergetics.
- Beauty in nature, both organic and inorganic, is a difficult metaphysical principle to deny.
- Atomic Energy Commission, partly because of his 1951 Nobel Prize for work in inorganic chemistry.
- Incipient life, as it were, manifests itself throughout the whole of what we call inorganic nature.
- Awni is a scientist with a doctorate in inorganic chemistry from the University of Florida at Gainesville.
- Were not man's origin implicated, we should accept without a murmur the derivation of animal and vegetable life from what we call inorganic nature.
- Progress slowed during the second of half of the 19th century, although critical advances in inorganic and organic chemistry helped to usher in a new era for physiological chemistry.
- Hevesy from Stockholm received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on the use of isotopes as tracers, involving studies in inorganic chemistry and geochemistry as well as on the metabolism in living organisms.
- Much of the progress in inorganic chemistry during the 20th century has been associated with investigations of coordination compounds, i.e., a central metal ion surrounded by a number of coordinating groups, called ligands.