IPA: ɪnsˈænʌti
- The state of being insane; madness.
Examples of "insanity" in Sentences
- The quickest way to insanity is to keep voting republican and expect different results ....
- What was that old saying, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results"
- And secondly that what she called the insanity of the family holiday was good for keeping politicians sane.
- But the definition of legal insanity, ladies and gentlemen, is very different than what we typically think of when we think of the word insanity.
- Dr Jones was also frankly appalled by the use of the term insanity with regard to the king as the label was enough to destroy a mans credit and happiness for ever.
- Our view is that we've been trying to get the market to solve cybersecurity for years, and we don't want to repeat the definition of insanity, which is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.
- But their efforts to address the looming long-term care financial problem should not be associated with the word "insanity," nor should the forthright efforts of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who has held to her commitment not to foist an unsustainable program on future American taxpayers.