IPA: ˈɪnsʌkjɝ
- Not secure.
- Not comfortable or confident in oneself or in certain situations.
Examples of "insecure" in Sentences
- Lets elaborate on the word insecure, that is something I never used to be.
- A delegation of Canadian visitors — host Mary Welsh and two Canadian workers trapped in insecure, low-wage jobs — listens in disbelief.
- Jamat to boycott Hurriyat faction's programmes journalists have expressed deep anguish over what they described as insecure conditions for the
- Jamaat seeks Geelani's clarification on biography journalists have expressed deep anguish over what they described as insecure conditions for the
- The LGCD project looks for communities in insecure areas who are willing to work with local government authorities to implement small-scale infrastructure and community development activities.
- In a sudden change in its plan on inviting Kashmiri separatists to Pakistan has withdrawn its invite to four separatist leaders for a visit to the country and restricted journalists have expressed deep anguish over what they described as insecure conditions for the
- My interpretation of the Welfare statement is that the unemployed are going to be helped by private companies back into work (who will be paid by results) are being lined up to replace the Poles/Eastern Europeans into low wage short term insecure jobs - so you in the north of England are going to have to get on your bikes (buses these days in IDS speak) down south to service the tory classes
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