IPA: ɪnsɪkjˈʊrɪti
- A lack of security; uncertainty.
- A lack of confidence in oneself.
- The state of being subject to danger (physical, economic, or otherwise).
Examples of "insecurity" in Sentences
- I think it's sad that the insecurity is sooo deeep.
- Taxing Microsoft software insecurity is a bad, if not silly idea.
- Unfortunately, general insecurity is being felt worldwide on many levels.
- – Your insecurity is your strength: use it to your advantage (Zen saying).
- Software insecurity is a business risk and cost, not something which can be regulated or taxed.
- Pandering to people's insecurity is the worst imaginable nanny-stateism. blog comments powered by Disqus publicola nerds
- A different take on middle-class insecurity is given by Slate's Daniel Gross, who notes the consequences of the erosion of corporate benefits (what I call disintermediation).
- Sub-Saharan Africa, despite its long history of food insecurity, is one place where yields could increase dramatically; agricultural basics such as good seed and fertilizer would go far in a region that the green revolution bypassed.
- The net effects of the combination of a growing sense of long-term insecurity and the demonstration effects of a fallen fellow autocracy may be those akin to a run on the bank, with agents rushing to cash in their political investments in the regime, quickening the collapse of the regime's authority.