IPA: ɪnsɛnsʌtˈɪvʌti
- The condition of being insensitive
Examples of "insensitivity" in Sentences
- Domestic policies have been rooted in insensitivity to the vast numbers of normal American households and in rampant greed.
- Francis Pangilinan yesterday bewailed what he called the insensitivity of the Arroyo administration for talking about the 2010
- The Weekly Standard and Martin Peretz of The New Republic of "psychopathic derangement" over what he characterizes as their insensitivity toward civilian deaths.
- The teachers had gone on strike on March 12, 2009 over what they termed the insensitivity of the state government to the plight of primary school teachers and other unresolved issues.
- Lagos - The increases in the fares paid by passengers on the Lagos Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) have continued to generate controversy, with many commuters lamenting what they termed insensitivity on the part of the operators.