IPA: ɪnsˈaɪdɝ
- A person who has special knowledge about the inner workings of a group, organization, or institution.
- A person who is within an enclosed space.
Examples of "insider" in Sentences
- "The band re-signed last year," a label insider says.
- The phrase "insider trading" does not appear in the document.
- "His comments were as offensive as you can get," a label insider said.
- "We went with the wrong single and it sold nothing," a label insider admits.
- "That is what I call insider talk, and that is not Chicago street talk," Dunn said.
- The lawsuit claimed Scammell searched the Internet for SEC regulations and the term "insider trading" before buying the stock.
- In Sunday's now-famous "60 Minutes" report, based on a book by the Hoover Institution's Peter Schweizer, the term "insider information" is used even more loosely.