IPA: ɪnsɪgnjˈɪfɪkʌns
- the state of being insignificant
Examples of "insignificance" in Sentences
- Minimizing the problem to the point of insignificance is not a victory.
- "A life of insignificance, is a life that does not signify anything," Mr. Marshall added.
- My other comment for the sceptics, regarding Phil Jones’ admission of statistical insignificance is this:
- I have made thee small -- Thy reduction to insignificance is as sure as if it were already accomplished; therefore the past tense is used
- With our numbers and technology the way they are now, our former shell of global insignificance is broken, and the old ways will not promote our survival or growth anymore.
- In each a character clinging absurdly to a sense of his own emotional insignificance is finally moved, despite himself, to embrace life's complex if at times mortifying drama.