IPA: ɪnsˈɑmniʌ
- (medicine) A sleeping disorder that is known for its symptoms of unrest and the inability to sleep.
Examples of "insomnia" in Sentences
- But my insomnia is like unto the Godzilla of insomnia.
- I think this stretch of insomnia is beginning its third week.
- My blasted insomnia is back, and lately, I'm lucky to get 5 hours a night.
- I'd hoped I'd still be able to get the issue out tonight, but the insomnia is slowing me down.
- The insomnia is back again tonight, and I cannot bear to just lie in bed, listening to Spooky sleep.
- Thanks to the new (very expensive) medications, my insomnia is vastly better than it's been for years.
- As a college student who has to write term papers, well, insomnia is a blessing when it comes to writing.