IPA: ɪnstʌntˈæniʌs
- Occurring, arising, or functioning without any delay; happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time.
Examples of "instantaneous" in Sentences
- We desire to speak of those photographic apparatus called instantaneous shutters.
- Other than that, the overall evacuation of * three million* in instantaneous order was quite well done.]
- All other values which very continuously and, thus, are different at any time are called instantaneous values and are designated by u (or i).
- You are attempting to leave heat capacity out of the discussion, nad arguig that temperature increases shoudl be instantaneous, which is absurd.
- The so-called instantaneous or asymmetric short-circuit current involves high electrodynamic loads for the installation parts immediately on its occurence.
- Accordingly, Birchcliff encourages its shareholders to focus on quarterly average production rates and not short term instantaneous production numbers that are very high but not sustainable.
- Academic bloggers find that their community of readers often act as fact-checkers or engage the blogger in instantaneous debate over specific points before the book reaches the concretized state of print.
- Now quantum physics has moved us to a more uncanny realization: that at some level this commonality extends to what can be described as an instantaneous mutual awareness among all particles, regardless of the distance of separation.
- All the letters are written while the hearts of the writers must be supposed to be wholly engaged in their subjects (the events at the time generally dubious): so that they abound not only in critical situations, but with what may be called instantaneous descriptions and reflections (proper to be brought home to the breast of the youthful reader;) as also with affecting conversations; many of them written in the dialogue or dramatic way.
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