IPA: ɪnstʌntˈæniʌsɫi
- Without any delay; in an instantaneous manner.
Examples of "instantaneously" in Sentences
- Mary Lynn is able to switch instantaneously from a funny bit to a quiet and sentimental one.
- Even if they don't take you seriously at first, the fact that they don't brush you off instantaneously is important.
- The way he spat the word out instantaneously transformed the atmosphere in the room from one of wonder to one of hostility.
- And the events of the transcendence, occurring through multiple chapters, take place nearly instantaneously from the point of view of those involved.
- Though some have criticized the format as too restrictive and controlled, Critz marveled at the ability to place thousands of phone calls instantaneously to constituents throughout the district.
- Yes, some would die instantaneously from a massive MI, stroke or arrhythmia, but many linger for years and years and end up having multiple coronary bypass surgeries before tobacco finally ends their life.
- Your biggest fans have probably already told a couple friends about your business in casual conversation, but Facebook's technology makes it easy for them to spread the word instantaneously to all of their friends-on average, over 100 people.
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