IPA: ɪnstɪtˈuʃʌnʌɫ
- A client that is an organization rather than an individual.
- (politics) A Chilean senator who is appointed by the president for a term of eight years.
- A community where the majority of inhabitants work at an institution (as opposed to industry or trade), or one such inhabitant.
- An institutionalized person.
- (sociology) An individual whose sense of self is based on institutionalized values and standards, as opposed to their tastes and impulses.
- Of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or organized along the lines of an institution.
- Instituted by authority.
- Elementary; rudimentary.
- Arising from the practice of an institution.
Examples of "institutional" in Sentences
- The school board made institutional changes to improve student success rates
- The legal system has institutionalized procedures to ensure fairness and justice for all
- She had a long career in the institutional finance industry, working for major banks and corporations
- The government implemented institutional policies to address issues of poverty and homelessness
- As a historian, he studied the evolution of institutional structures within various societies