IPA: ɪnstrˈʌkʃʌnʌɫ
- A book, film, etc. intended to instruct.
- Intended for purposes of instruction, for teaching.
- Relating to the teaching profession.
Examples of "instructional" in Sentences
- So some might be interested in instructional resources.
- How do they engage collaboratively with teachers in instructional activities?
- Few faculty have had formal education or training in instructional design or learning theory.
- I'm writing in instructional form because that's the best way of presenting the approach for disection and feedback.
- My older brother was playing and my dad was the coach in instructional Pee Wee, and they would always let me practice with the team.
- Stegmann does explicitly allow that components other than nucleotide sequences might contain what he calls instructional information.
- Academic merit and freedom, and excellence in instructional quality should be the governing principles for higher education in Ethiopia, not party membership, party loyalty or party influence.
- The problem of students who could read but did not lies within instructional strategies that emphasize reading skills at the expense of giving students large amounts of experience with whole texts can be a cause of this according to them.