IPA: ɪnsʌfˈɪʃʌnsi
- The lack of sufficiency; a shortage or inadequacy.
Examples of "insufficiency" in Sentences
- Pancreatic insufficiency is one cause of fat malabsorption.
- Some health care providers also use the term ovarian insufficiency to describe this condition.
- A feeling of insecurity or of insufficiency is a hard thing to deal with, I will say I forgive you now for anything evil you might post about Seattle.
- The sense of his insufficiency was the more vexatious to Mowbray, as he was aware he would find sharp critics in the ladies, and particularly in his constant rival, Lady Penelope Penfeather.
- Cervical insufficiency, which is what we call it when the cervix inexplicably shortens early in pregnancy, is a silent problem without symptoms rarely women report an increase in vaginal discharge.
- Tricuspid insufficiency is usually an acquired defect, and not generally listed in textbooks as a congential cardiac anomaly in and of itself, but usually in conjunction with other cardiac anomalies.