IPA: ɪnsʌfˈɪʃʌntɫi
- not sufficiently
Examples of "insufficiently" in Sentences
- Somebody could make the argument that the Israelis went in insufficiently armed.
- As I have pointed out here before, much philosophical thinking is grounded in insufficiently considered metaphors.
- In an appearance in Rock Hill, S.C., Mr. Gingrich said Republicans can't defeat President Barack Obama with a candidate like Mr. Romney, whom he called insufficiently conservative.
- Although an agent with a dynamic choice problem can often be described as insufficiently resolute, she is normally guided by her preferences or her evaluation of the options she faces.
- The near-transparent skin insufficiently separates the inside of the body from the outside, hinting at the noisome scandal of the feces 'exteriorization of the body's interior processes.
- In the meantime, if we are to avoid the real harm that over-exposure to the sun can cause, we have little choice but to select among sunscreen formulations — all of which contain insufficiently tested ingredients — hoping that whatever we do is better than the burn.
- Booker, for example, finds Gilbert Sorrentino hopeless, his "mere rule breaking for the sake of rule breaking" insufficiently "transgressive in a genuine political sense, i.e. challenging existing dominant ideologies in a way that contributes to the process of social change."
- For instance, over here, we've got an elephant-footed, hardball-playing trustee who, when he isn't taking the lowest of roads (stationing guards at polling places, nixing study-abroad programs to score cheap political points and punish noisy critics, etc.), he's praying to the Lord or calling insufficiently pure Republicans "whores."
- The situation which I have outlined very briefly and insufficiently is puzzling enough, and I know that the questions which you would ask me might be these: How is it that a cabinet of presidential appointments, the members of which are not even members of the Reich-stag, can govern a country so entirely against the will of a large, perhaps the largest, part of the nation, against the strongest party in the Reichstag-and what has that cabinet or that form of government achieved to justify its existence?
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