IPA: ɪnsʌɫˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of insulating; detachment from other objects; isolation.
- The state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation.
- Any of a variety of materials designed to reduce the flow of heat, either from or into a building.
- (engineering) The act of separating a body from others by nonconductors, so as to prevent the transfer of electricity, heat, or sound
- (engineering) The state of a body so separated.
- (electricity) a medium in which it is possible to maintain an electrical field with little supply of energy from additional sources.
Examples of "insulation" in Sentences
- You would think that is a 29% increase in insulation value.
- So, for a 29% increase in insulation you get an 11% return in efficiancy.
- | Private Reply heaters are totally unnecessary, i have found, and anyone that blows money on nob type insulation is a fool.
- In Reply To heaters are totally unnecessary, i have found, and anyone that blows money on nob type insulation is a fool. yes, there is a forum here that hands out only yellow cards [not red] and it is rare to be thrown out of the game.
- | Private Reply heaters are totally unnecessary, i have found, and anyone that blows money on nob type insulation is a fool. yes, there is a forum here that hands out only yellow cards [not red] and it is rare to be thrown out of the game.
- In Chiapas, we do not need what you refer to as "nob type insulation" as what we use there for insulation is three foot thick adobe walls that take up more space than your entire living room in that tarpaper shack of yours in Crapola but we must admit that we need propane heaters as we lack your incessant hot air bloviating forth to heat our maison you Alberta clodhopper.