IPA: ˈɪnsʌɫeɪtɝ
- A substance that does not transmit heat (thermal insulator), sound (acoustic insulator) or electricity (electrical insulator).
- A non-conductive structure, coating or device that does not transmit sound, heat or electricity (see image)
- A person who installs insulation.
Examples of "insulator" in Sentences
- The thick wool sweater acted as a perfect insulator against the bitter cold wind
- In order to keep the hot coffee warm for longer, I used a double-walled insulator cup
- The insulator on the power lines prevented any electrical currents from escaping and causing a dangerous situation
- The insulating material in the walls of the house helped to regulate the temperature inside, keeping it comfortable year-round
- Wearing gloves made of insulating material allowed me to work in the cold without my hands getting numb