IPA: ɪnsˈɝdʒʌnt
- One of several people who take up arms against the local state authority; a participant in insurgency.
- Rebellious, opposing authority.
- Of water: surging or rushing in.
Examples of "insurgent" in Sentences
- The U.S. uses the word insurgent for every gun fired in anger.
- The insurgent is trained to expect brutal treatment upon capture.
- NATO said one service member was killed Friday in what it described as an insurgent attack.
- And finally, we know that the ratio of ISAF to Taliban insurgent is about 50 to 1 in kills when they do go toe to toe.
- Obeid said the Khartoum government is constitutionally mandated to protect residents of Southern Kordofan from what he calls insurgent rebels.
- American officers in Afghanistan admitted to me that they use the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting.
- American offices in Afghanistan admitted to me that they used the word insurgent in all their reports to describe any kind of hostile shooting.
- But the timing of the meeting was unrelated to this week's spike in insurgent attacks, and politicians gave no sign they were ready to overcome the eight-month political impasse, during which the security situation has deteriorated.
- JAMIE MCINTYRE, CNN SENIOR MILITARY AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice - over): If you needed a lesson in civilian control of the military, Donald Rumsfeld gave it at Tuesday's Pentagon press briefing, when he suddenly pronounced the term insurgent expression non grata.