IPA: ɪntˈændʒʌbʌɫnʌs
- The characteristic of being intangible.
Examples of "intangibleness" in Sentences
- The trouble is the intangibleness of Japan's current situation.
- What we make is tangible in a much broader context of intangibleness,'' he explains.
- July 8, 2009 at 4:18 pm these are absolutely gorgeous and capture the foggy, intangibleness of dreams perfectly.
- We all may need medicine for moral ills, yet the very intangibleness of purity makes us slow to formulate rules for its growth.
- And He partly met the difficulty of those who feel its intangibleness by adding the practical clause, “If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you.”
- And He partly met the difficulty of those who feel its intangibleness by adding the practical clause, "If ye abide in Me, _and My words abide in you_."
- 3 Communication of Organisation Policies intangibleness after the concept stage while DIRECTION 4 Policy Implementation Resources formulating policies and coverting into figures.