
IPA: ˈɪntʌdʒɝ


  • (arithmetic) A number that is not a fraction; an element of the infinite and numerable set {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.

Examples of "integer" in Sentences

  • 若该数据表要存放的数据不会超过 3 万笔,用 small integer 即可,不必用 integer。
  • I don't know why VB chose ~0 (: recall integer in VB is int16) as the true, but it happened.
  • For his discovery of what is termed the integer quantum Hall effect von Klitzing received the Nobel
  • But since seconds go by pretty quickly, a signed 32-bit integer is only big enough to count about 70 years’ worth of seconds in either direction.
  • Now, if Mr. Lowe insists on it that our integer is the pound, he is bound to admit that the present integer is the pound, of which a shilling, etc., are fractions.
  • [[User: SamHB | SamHB]] 22: 30, 20 August 2008 (EDT) \ {N, N+1/N\ | \ N \textrm {\ is\ an\ integer} \ge 2 \} \bigcup_ {N \textrm {\ is\ an\ integer\} \geq 2} (N, N+1/N)
  • The Degree Confluence Project is an interesting initiative to take an organized sampling of the world by visiting and photographing each point of Earth’s surface where latitude and longitude intersect in integer degrees.
  • You know, he talk about integrity, and nobody is going to say, well, how come you have integrity, which comes from the word integer, means oneness, and have spoken at Bob Jones University and the NAACP within three months time?

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