IPA: ˈɪnʌgrʌɫi
- In an integral manner
- (mathematics) By means of integration
Examples of "integrally" in Sentences
- And yet, perhaps more compelling is the fact that their future is integrally connected to ours.
- Clear documentation and a small, excellent Spacehab and Lockheed workforce worked integrally with the Russians to make the Mir integration process seamless.
- Sustainable progress on the goals requires recognition of the linkages between them, i.e. steps forward on environmental protection are integrally linked to economic development.
- And no mortall man can at one instant perfectlie discerne and see together two sides of the same figure, sauing one integrally, which is the Present: and therefore vppon great knowledge were these three
- Also consistent with the NCC's viewpoint is the Report's conclusion that the situation in Israel/Palestine is integrally related to the situation in Iraq, and indeed that a solution to the Israeli - Palestinian conflict is central to the solution of all problems in the Middle East.
- The MFA house style is integrally connected with the conditions of production under the guild system; uniformity of product, and severe control over its amount, is essential for the guild to maintain mystery about itself, and without mystery there can be no exclusion of gate-crashers.
- You can follow all those rules for sticking to your resolution -- although without the goal being deeply meaningful for you and tied to benefiting another, you'll give up on the rules, too -- or you can try a different "way of being" in the world that integrally ties what you do to helping others.
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