IPA: ˈɪntʌɫɛkt
- (uncountable) The faculty of thinking, judging, abstract reasoning, and conceptual understanding; the cognitive faculty.
- (uncountable) The capacity of that faculty (in a particular person).
- A person who has that faculty to a great degree.
Examples of "intellect" in Sentences
- Besides, my intellect is actually my main defense.
- That statement, "he announced," is a formal tribute paid by what I call my intellect to what the vulgar call the probabilities.
- I agree that design can be inferred from adaptation and also agree with nullasalus that the intellect is a supreme adaptive tool.
- He too yields only to necessity, the attraction of pleasure, and the fear of suffering; and what we call our intellect has the same origin and mission as what in animals we choose to term instinct.
- But some times, in moments of inspiration, the pressure of one's will relents, and the intellect is able to consider the object as it is in itself, independently of one's goals, desires, and interests.
- The premier science in the study of the history of art is, and always has been, the science of vision, because "the distinction between what we really see and what we infer through the intellect is as old as human thought on perception."
- I'm very much the beneficiary of his deeply insightful, eloquently argued ideas; the privilege of sharpening my ideas on the whetstone of his intellect is a rare one, and I'm delighted to share that opportunity with Boing Boing's readers ...
- Each one can define it for himself; there it is, and I do not see why it is not as integral a part of the authors — an element in the estimate of their future position — as what we term their intellect, their knowledge, their skill, or their art.
- The knowledge of first principles is attained by the _intuition of pure intellect_ (νοῦς) -- that is, "_intellect itself is the principle of science_" or, in other words, intellect is the _efficient, essential cause_ of the knowledge of first principles.