
IPA: ɪntˈɛɫʌdʒʌbˈɪɫʌti


  • That which is intelligible; the degree to which something is intelligible.
  • The quality of recorded speech of every word being understandable.

Examples of "intelligibility" in Sentences

  • Benjamin is one of those theorists whose writing is always two steps to the left of intelligibility.
  • My Korean students rated her poorly on "intelligibility" but found her PowerPoint slides pretty snazzy.
  • For them -- for indeed, most of the time at least, the author of Being and Time -- all there is to say about Sein is that it is 'intelligibility'*.
  • So considering that intelligibility is as much a feature of the listener as it is of the speaker, how could we expect to use communication breakdowns as a motivation to teach pronunciation?
  • 'It very explicitly describes Nature as possessing an "intelligibility" and that there is no separation between Man and Nature, precisely because there is no separation between the natural world and God.
  • (Of course, changing the mouth like that can also effect intelligibility, which is why it can be hard to understand what sopranos are singing in the high passages, but that's what surtitles are for, isn't it?)
  • It seems wonderful how a people we are accustomed to look upon as ignorant, benighted and undeveloped, can learn to talk English with a certain degree of fluency and intelligibility from the short intercourse held once a year with a few passing ships.
  • If you take the greatest divergent Arabic dialects, say from opposite ends of the geographic spectrum – Morocco (probably the “weirdest” Arabic dialect due to so much Romance and colonial influence, as well as Berber, and isolation, etc) and Iraqi Arabic, there is a level of mutual intelligibility.
  • But it does mean that in contemporary historiography, the sign of history has become less the real than the intelligible, an intelligibility achieved through the production of historiographical discourse according to narrativist principles, hence always flirting with the “fictive” that is intrinsic to the operation of narrative.
  • I can now, for the first time, give to my opinions that degree of intelligibility, which is requisite for their introduction as hypotheses; the experiments above related, understood as in the common mode of thinking, prove that the magnetic influence flows in length, the electric fluid by suffusion, and that chemical agency (whatever the main agent may be) is qualitative and _in intimis_.

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