IPA: ɪntˈɛntnʌs
- The condition of being intent.
Examples of "intentness" in Sentences
- She faces the camera with the kind of intentness that went with a slower photographic process.
- The master talked to him gently but seriously, and he cocked his ears, and listened with painful intentness.
- All day he remains close, watching me with intentness surely designed to draw the notice of the court as well as my own.
- For death went with it, and life remained with those who watched it go; and being rejected, they watched with eager intentness.
- Yet the austerity focuses an atmosphere of laboratory intentness on stage as two great dancers scrutinise the possibilities of their shared classical vocabulary.
- He stopped and regarded her, all of an intentness and eagerness, physically expressed, that slowly faded out of him as she turned her head and gazed back at the camp.
- His face was anxious, as was the face of my companion, who had stumped over to the rail and was gazing with a like intentness in the direction of the invisible danger.
- He would stand and stare at one rope for a minute or so at a time, following it aloft with his eyes through the maze of ropes and stabs and gears with all the intentness of a man working out an intricate problem.