IPA: ɪntˈɝ
- The Inter Milan football team
- To bury in a grave.
- To confine, as in a prison.
Examples of "inter" in Sentences
- I'm interested in what I call inter-faith projects.
- I'm not really into what I call inter-faith dialogue.
- You take the first part of the word "inter" as in "inter-provincial".
- Those stories are almost exclusively in interesting places, or at least around interesting people.
- Ilike photographs that aggressively contextualize interesting things and people in interesting contexts.
- The welfare state was not set up to support vast families or single mothers in inter-generational welfare dependency.
- Mr. Manos will no doubt try to persuade other European banks to open up overnight and very short-term inter-bank lines of credit as a first step on the path back to normality, but it is likely to be a long process.
- In it, Dulles makes the point Christianity's original experts on Islam were neither impartial scholars nor specialists in inter-faith dialogue, but medieval apologists - writers from the 7th through the 14th centuries who articulated a strong defense of Christianity in light of Islamic critique.
- As far as the distributional effects of paying less for capital investment in inter-metropolitan transport capacity through HSR than through additional highway lanes and investment in additional airport capacity, it seems as if the discussion is proceeding in a vacuum, acting as if interstate roads and airports do not receive capital subsidies from taxpayers.
- But people indulge in inter-personal comparison all the time, and there are few people who stick to their own unadulterated Utility functions, many people interpolate socially acceptable behaviour into what they really want, maybe that is the cause of "Mid-Life Crises" and the new "Quarter Life Crises", a conflict between Individual Utility Schedules and some subjectively observed Social Utility Schedule.