IPA: ɪntɝbrˈɛd
- bred of closely related parents
- bred of parents of different races or strains
- produced by crossbreeding
Examples of "interbred" in Sentences
- Appears to me that these two facts are as interbred as the residents of dixie!
- They are so interbred at this point that where they breed and winter is how they tell them apart.
- And now we know that neanderthals interbred only with non-Africans, the people who left Africa ...
- Would anybody really notice if barred owls displaced and interbred with every last spotted owl in the Northwest?
- Some experts believe they interbred with modern humans, others that they were driven to extinction by changing climate or competition for food.
- For a species that's not being deliberately interbred, has a small number of offspring, and reproduces starting at c. age 15 instead of c. age 2, 6000 years is trivial time.
- A major DNA study suggests that our ancestors interbred with the Neanderthals at least twice tens of thousands of years ago – and that their genes have been carried down the millennia ever since.
- In 2009, scientists announced the first draft of the genome of Neanderthals; it was later found that humans and Neanderthals likely interbred, with today's humans owing some of their disease-fighting genes to those ancient trysts.
- Since it was just too durn illogical to imagine that every single individual was slaughtered, they even posit a theory that a tiny band of Aboriginal-Americans fled to Tierra del Fuego at the very, very bottom of South America where they hid and eventually interbred with some of the Argentinian Indian population so they stopped looking black, and started looking Mongoloid.
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