IPA: ɪntɝtʃˈeɪndʒʌbʌɫnʌs
- The quality of being interchangeable.
Examples of "interchangeableness" in Sentences
- The great potato drive to utilize the surplus of our huge 1917 potato-crop, 100,000,000 bushels above normal, has fixed in every one's mind the interchangeableness of these two foods.
- That a relationship between, and an interchangeableness of, these two widely dissimilar psychical operations, _i. e._, religious emotion and sexual desire, does exist, there can be no doubt. [
- An example of the last mentioned self-immolation (self-crucifixion) is given by Berghierri, and is a remarkable instance of the interchangeableness of religious emotion and sexual desire in psychopathic individuals.
- Tertullian mentions her four times, once in connexion with the Nativity, once merely to defend the occasional interchangeableness of the words "woman" and "Virgin" by showing that both are applied to her ( "De Veland.
- Last year, in the months following the release of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, starring Michael Cera, and Adventureland, starring Jesse Eisenberg, movie blogs were abuzz with posts about the seeming interchangeableness of the two actors.
- Now, permit me, as briefly as possible, to designate the cause of the relationship between, and the interchangeableness of, religious feeling and sexual desire, which, as I believe, is to be found in the once widespread existence of phallic worship.
- In explanation of this apparent interchangeableness, we must recollect that no character is simple, and that in twins who strongly resemble each other, every expression in the one may be matched by a corresponding expression in the other, but it does not follow that the same expression should be the prevalent one in both cases.