IPA: ˈɪntɝkɑm
- An electronic communication system, especially one between rooms in a building.
- (transitive, intransitive) To communicate (with) by intercom.
Examples of "intercom" in Sentences
- The intercom is the fanciest thing in my apartment.
- The intercom is the fanciest thing in my apartment.
- The intercom was a babble of voices, some calm, most excited.
- The intercom was a metal box that signified the end of my parent's marriage.
- Someone swears into intercom, which is fair enough as I probably would have done.
- I'm hollering to Royal to go but there's so much noise that nobody can hear anything plus Royal's intercom is no longer connected.
- Oh yeah, for an extra kick to dad’s balls, an intercom is left on at his bedside, enabling him to listen in on the arguing with tears rolling down his face.
- Those that pray/prey on streetcorners, and those that think they are being persecuted if they cannot teach creation myths in science or have the school administrator endorse Christianity over the intercom are the ones that concern me.