IPA: ɪntɝkʌnˈɛkt
- (electronics) An interconnection.
- (transitive) To connect to one another.
Examples of "interconnect" in Sentences
- The term interconnect in the case of digital video refers to all the components in the path of the digital signal.
- Each node was paired with a single neighbor via a rigid side-panel interconnect, which is an electrical connection linking the system bus of each machine to its twin.
- The lodge is one of a host of improvements in the town associated with the project called the interconnect, which has prompted new downtown shops, lodging and restaurants.
- The four chips on the right that are also water-cooled are for the Fujitsu interconnect, which is called "Tofu" and which implements a 6D mesh/torus that can scale up to 10 petaflops, or 19,523 nodes.
- While much of the commodity management's involvement in design has centered on ASICs, memory and microprocessors, its efforts will be expanded to other product families such as interconnect and power.
- These Valley watchers also say the company is working on one component in particular: the "interconnect" that separates the oxygen and hydrogen in order to lower the temperature, which in turn will increase efficiency and lower operating costs.